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Soda Library Python API reference

Last modified on 15-Oct-24

Use the Python API to programmatically execute Soda scans. The following content offers a reference for the Soda scan class and its methods.

Refer to Program a scan, Program a scan tab, for instructional details and an example of a complete file.

Provide required scan settings
Add configurations to a scan
Add SodaCL checks to a scan
Add local data to a scan
Add optional scan settings
Add configurations to handle scan results
Add configurations to handle check results


Use the Scan class to programmatically define and execute data quality scans. See Invoke Soda Library for an example of how to use the Soda Library Python API in a programmatic scan.

class Scan()


Use this method to execute the scan. When executed, Soda returns an integer exit code as per the table that follows.

def execute(self) -> int
Exit code Description
0 All checks passed. No runtime errors.
1 Soda recorded a warn result for one or more checks.
2 Soda recorded a fail result for one or more checks.
3 Soda encountered a runtime issue but was able to send check results to Soda Cloud.
4 Soda encountered a runtime issue and was unable to send check results to Soda Cloud.

Provide required scan settings

Specify the datasource on which Soda executes the checks.

def set_data_source_name(self, data_source_name: str)

Provide the scan definition name if the scan has been defined in Soda Cloud. By providing this value, Soda correlates subsequent scans from the same pipeline.

To retrieve this value, navigate to the Scans page in Soda Cloud, then select the scan definition you wish to execute remotely and copy the scan name, which is the smaller text under the label. For example, weekday_scan_schedule.

def set_scan_definition_name(self, scan_definition_name: str)

Add configurations to a scan

Add data source and Soda Cloud connection configurations from a YAML file. file_path is a string that points to a configuration file. ~ expands to the user’s home directory.

def add_configuration_yaml_file(self, file_path: str)

Optionally, add all connection configurations from all matching YAML files in the file path according to your specifications.

  • path is a string that is the path to a directory, but you can use it as a path to a configuration file. ~ expands to the user’s home directory or the directory in which to search for configuration files.
  • recursive requires a boolean value that controls whether Soda scans nested directories. If unspecified, the default value is true.
  • suffixes is an optional list of strings that you use when recursively scanning directories to load only those files with a specific extension. If unspecified, the default values are .yml and .yaml.
    def add_configuration_yaml_files(self, path: str, recursive: bool | None = True, suffixes: str | None = None)

Optionally, add connection configurations from a YAML-formatted string.

  • environment_yaml_str is a string that represents a configuration and must be YAML-formatted.
  • file_path is an optional string that you use to get the location of errors in the logs.
    def add_configuration_yaml_str(self, environment_yaml_str: str, file_path: str = "yaml string")

Add SodaCL checks to a scan

Add a SodaCL checks YAML file to the scan according to a file path you specify. file_path is a string that identifies a checks YAML file.

def add_sodacl_yaml_file(self, file_path: str)

Optionally, add all the files in a directory to the scan as SodaCL checks YAML files.

  • path is a string that identifies a directory, but you can use it as a path to a configuration file. ~ expands to the user’s home directory or the directory in which to search for checks YAML files.
  • recursive is an optional boolean value that controls whether Soda scans nested directories. If unspecified, the default value is true.
  • suffixes is an optional list of strings that you use when recursively scanning directories to load only those files with a specific extension. If unspecified, the default values are .yml and .yaml.
    def add_sodacl_yaml_files(self, path: str, recursive: bool | None = True, suffixes: list[str] | None = None)

Optionally, add SodaCL checks from a YAML-formatted string.

  • sodacl_yaml_str is a string that represents the SodaCL checks and must be YAML-formatted.
  • file_path is an optional string that you use to get the location of errors in the logs.
    def add_sodacl_yaml_str(self, sodacl_yaml_str: str, file_name: str | None = None):

If you use a check template for SodaCL checks, add a SodaCL template file to the scan. file_path is a string that identifies a SodaCL template file.

def add_template_file(self, file_path: str)

If you use multiple check templates for SodaCL checks, add all the template files in a directory to the scan. path is a string that identifies the directory that contains the SodaCL template files.

def add_template_files(self, path: str)

Add local data to a scan

If you use Pandas, add a Pandas Dataframe dataset to the scan.

  • dataset_name is a string to identify a dataset.
  • pandas_df is a Pandas Dataframe object.
  • data_source_name is a string to identify a data source.
    def add_pandas_dataframe(self, dataset_name: str, pandas_df, data_source_name: str = "dask")

If you use Dask, add a Dask Dataframe dataset to the scan.

  • dataset_name is a string used to identify a dataset.
  • dask_df is a Dask Dataframe object.
  • data_source_name is a string to identify a data source.
    def add_dask_dataframe(self, dataset_name: str, dask_df, data_source_name: str = "dask")

If you use PySpark, add a Spark session to the scan.

  • spark_session is a Spark session object.
  • data_source_name is a string to identify a data source.
    def add_spark_session(self, spark_session, data_source_name: str = "spark_df")

If you use a pre-existing DuckDB connection object as a data source, add a DuckDB connection to the scan.

  • duckdb_connection is a DuckDB connection object.
  • data_source_name is a string to identify a data source.
    def add_duckdb_connection(self, duckdb_connection, data_source_name: str = "duckdb")

Add optional scan settings

Configure a scan to output verbose log information. This is useful when you wish to see the SQL queries that Soda executes or to troubleshoot scan issues.

def set_verbose(self, verbose_var: bool = True)

Configure Soda to prevent it from sending scan results to Soda Cloud. This is useful if, for example, you are testing checks locally and do not wish to muddy the measurements in your Soda Cloud account with test run metadata.

def set_is_local(self, local_var: bool = True)

Configure a scan to have access to custom variables that can be referenced in your SodaCL files. variables is a dictionary with string keys and string values.

def add_variables(self, variables: dict[str, str])

Add configurations to handle scan results

Use the following configurations to handle errors and/or warnings that occurred during a Soda scan.

Instruct Soda to raise an AssertionError when errors occur in the scan logs.

def assert_no_error_logs(self)

Instruct Soda to raise an AssertionError when errors or warnings occur in the scan logs.

def assert_no_error_nor_warning_logs(self)

Instruct Soda to raise an AssertionError when a specific error message occurs in the scan logs. Use expected_error_message to specify the error message as a string.

def assert_has_error(self, expected_error_message: str)

Instruct Soda to return a boolean value to indicate that errors occurred in the scan logs.

def has_error_logs(self) -> bool

Instruct Soda to return a boolean value to indicate that errors or warnings occurred in the scan logs.

def has_error_or_warning_logs(self) -> bool

Instruct Soda to return a string that represents the logs from the scan.

def get_logs_text(self) -> str | None

Instruct Soda to return a list of strings of scan errors in the logs.

def get_error_logs(self) -> list[Log]

Instruct Soda to return a list of strings of scan errors and warnings in the logs.

def get_error_or_warning_logs(self) -> list[Log]

Instruct Soda to return a string of all scan errors in the logs.

def get_error_logs_text(self) -> str | None

Instruct Soda to return a dictionary containing the results of the scan.

def get_scan_results(self) -> dict

The scan results dictionary includes the following keys:


Add configurations to handle check results

Use the following configurations to handle the results of checks executed during a Soda scan.

Instruct Soda to raise an AssertionError when any check execution results in a fail state.

def assert_no_checks_fail(self)

Instruct Soda to raise an AssertionError when any check execution results in a fail or warn state.

def assert_no_checks_warn_or_fail(self)

Instruct Soda to return a boolean value to indicate that one or more checks executed during the scan resulted in a fail state.

def has_check_fails(self) -> bool

Instruct Soda to return a boolean value to indicate that one or more checks executed during the scan resulted in a warn state.

def has_check_warns(self) -> bool

Instruct Soda to return a boolean value to indicate that one or more checks executed during the scan resulted in a fail or warn state.

def has_check_warns_or_fails(self) -> bool

Instruct Soda to return a list of strings of checks that resulted in a fail state.

def get_checks_fail(self) -> list[Check]

Instruct Soda to return a string of checks that resulted in a fail state.

def get_checks_fail_text(self) -> str | None

Instruct Soda to return a list of strings of checks that resulted in a fail or warn state.

def get_checks_warn_or_fail(self) -> list[Check]

Instruct Soda to return a string of checks that resulted in a fail or warn state.

def get_checks_warn_or_fail_text(self) -> str | None

Instruct Soda to return a string of all check results.

def get_all_checks_text(self) -> str | None


Configure the datasource-level samples limit for the failed rows sampler. This is useful when scanning Pandas, Dask, or Spark Dataframes.

self._configuration.samples_limit: int

Replace the failed rows sampler with a custom sampler. See Configure a custom sampler for instructions about how to define a custom sampler.

self.sampler: Sampler

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Documentation always applies to the latest version of Soda products
Last modified on 15-Oct-24