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User-defined checks

Last modified on 19-Feb-25

If the built-in set of metrics and checks that SodaCL offers do not quite give you the information you need from a scan, you can define your own metrics to customize your checks. User-defined checks essentially enable you to create common-table expressions (CTE) or SQL queries that Soda Library runs during a scan, or you can reference a file that contains your CTE or SQL query.

✖️    Requires Soda Core Scientific (included in a Soda Agent)
✔️    Supported in Soda Core
✔️    Supported in Soda Library + Soda Cloud
✔️    Supported in Soda Cloud Agreements + Soda Agent
✔️    SQL-defined metric available as a no-code check with a self-hosted Soda Agent connected to any
        Soda-supported data source, except Spark, and Dask and Pandas

        with a Soda-hosted Agent connected to a BigQuery, Databricks SQL, MS SQL Server,
        MySQL, PostgreSQL, Redshift, or Snowflake data source

Define user-defined checks
Optional check configurations
List of comparison symbols and phrases
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Define user-defined checks

In the context of SodaCL check types, these are user-defined checks. Truly, it is the metric that you define yourself, then use in a check.

The example below uses common table expression (CTE) to define the metric that is then used in the check. The check itself follows the simple pattern of a standard check that uses a metric, a comparison symbol or phrase, and a threshold.

You specify the CTE value for the custom metric using a nested expression key which also defines the name of the new custom metric. The name you provide for a custom metric must not contain spaces.

checks for dim_reseller:
  - avg_order_span between 5 and 10:
      avg_order_span expression: AVG(last_order_year - first_order_year)
custom metric avg_order_span
comparison symbol or phrase between
threshold 5 and 10
expression key avg_order_span expression
expression value AVG(last_order_year - first_order_year)

Instead of using CTE to define a custom metric, you can use a SQL query. The example check below follows the same standard check pattern, but includes a nested query key to define the custom metric and its name.

  • The name you provide for a custom metric must not contain spaces.
  • Though you specify the dataset against which to run the query in the SQL query, you must also provide the dataset identifier in the checks for section header. Without the dataset identifier, Soda cannot send the check results to Soda Cloud.
checks for dim_product:
  - product_stock >= 50:
      product_stock query: |
        SELECT COUNT(safety_stock_level - days_to_manufacture)
        FROM dim_product
custom metric product_stock
comparison symbol or phrase >=
threshold 50
query key product_stock query
query value SELECT COUNT(safety_stock_level - days_to_manufacture) FROM dim_product

Instead of embedding an expression or a query directly in the check definition, you can direct Soda to use a query or expression you have defined in a different file. The example check below follow the same pattern as the metrics that use CTE or SQL queries, but this nested key identifies the file path of your query file.

  • The name you provide for a custom metric must not contain spaces.
  • Though you specify the dataset against which to run the query in the SQL query, you must also provide the dataset identifier in the checks for section header. Without the dataset identifier, Soda cannot send the check results to Soda Cloud.
checks for product_desc:
  - avg_surface between 1068 and 1069:
      avg_surface sql_file: "filepath/filename.sql"

You can also use a user-defined metric with an anomaly detection metric by defining the check, then nesting the query for the custom metric in the check, as in the following example.

checks for dim_product:
  - anomaly detection for product_stock:
      product_stock query: |
        SELECT COUNT(safety_stock_level - days_to_manufacture)
        FROM dim_product

Optional check configurations

Supported Configuration Documentation
Define a name for a user-defined check; see example. Customize check names
Add an identity to a check. Add a check identity
Define alert configurations to specify warn and fail alert conditions; see example. Add alert configurations
  Apply an in-check filter to return results for a specific portion of the data in your dataset. -
Use quotes when identifying dataset or column names; see example.
Note that the type of quotes you use must match that which your data source uses. For example, BigQuery uses a backtick (`) as a quotation mark.
Use quotes in a check
Use wildcard characters in the value in the check. Use wildcard values as you would with CTE or SQL.
Use for each to apply user-defined checks to multiple datasets in one scan; see example. Apply checks to multiple datasets
Apply a dataset filter to partition data during a scan; see example.
Known issue: Dataset filters are not compatible with user-defined checks which use a SQL query. With such a check, Soda does not apply the dataset filter at scan time.
Scan a portion of your dataset
Include a failed row sample query inside a SQL or CTE user-defined metric configuration to send failed row samples to Soda Cloud; see example. Customize a failed row samples query
Specify a single column against which to run a check that uses a user-defined metric; see example. -
  Supports samples columns parameter to specify columns from which Soda draws failed row samples. Customize sampling for checks
  Supports samples limit parameter to control the volume of failed row samples Soda collects. Set a sample limit
  Supports collect failed rows parameter instruct Soda to collect, or not to collect, failed row samples for a check. Customize sampling for checks

Example with check name

checks for dim_product:
  - product_stock >= 50:
      name: Product stock 
      product_stock query: |
        SELECT COUNT(safety_stock_level - days_to_manufacture)
        FROM dim_product

Example with alert configuration

  - avg_order_span:
      avg_order_span expression: AVG(last_order_year - first_order_year)
      warn: when > 50
      fail: when > 200

Example with quotes

checks for dim_product:
  - product_stock >= 50:
      product_stock query: |
        SELECT COUNT("safety_stock_level" - "days_to_manufacture")
        FROM dim_product

Example with for each

for each dataset T:
    - dim_reseller
    - avg_order_span between 5 and 10:
        avg_order_span expression: AVG(last_order_year - first_order_year)

Example with dataset filter

filter FULFILLMENT [daily]:
  where: TIMESTAMP '{ts_start}' <= "ts" AND "ts" < TIMESTAMP '${ts_end}'

checks for FULFILLMENT [daily]:
  - avg_order_span between 5 and 10:
      avg_order_span expression: AVG(last_order_day - first_order_day)

Example with failed row sample query

checks for CUSTOMERS:
  - belgium_customers < 6:
      belgium_customers query: |
        SELECT count(*) as belgium_customers
        WHERE country = 'BE'
      failed rows query: |
          SELECT *
          WHERE country != 'BE'

Example with columm parameter

checks for product_b:
  - id_for_belgium:
      id_for_belgium query: SELECT count(*) FROM product_b
      failed rows query: SELECT id FROM product_b WHERE id IS NULL
      name: ID in Belgium is empty
      column: id
      fail: when > 62

List of comparison symbols and phrases

 not between 

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Documentation always applies to the latest version of Soda products
Last modified on 19-Feb-25