Take a sip of Soda
Get started
Get started roadmap
Choose a flavor of Soda
Install Soda Library
Set up a Soda-hosted agent
Deploy a Soda Agent
Soda Agent extras
Invoke Soda Library
Upgrade, redeploy, uninstall
Use case guides
Use case guides
Test data in Airflow
Test data in ADF
Test data in Dagster
Test data in Databricks
Test before data migration
Test data during development
Self-serve Soda
Automate anomaly detection
How to: Build a Sigma dashboard
How to: Build a Grafana dashboard
How to: Invoke Soda in Databricks
How to: Add a Secrets Manager
How to: Generate API Keys
How to: Manage sensitive data
How to: Reroute failed rows
How to: Double-onboard a data source
Write SodaCL checks
Write SodaCL checks
SodaCL tutorial
Write checks with Ask AI
Adopt check suggestions
Add automated monitoring
Profile data
Sample data
Compare data using SodaCL
Custom check examples
Run scans and view results
Run a scan and view results
Manage failed rows samples
Manage scheduled scans
Configure orchestrated scans
Python API reference
Organize, alert, investigate
Organize, alert, investigate
Activate anomaly dashboards
Add check attributes
Set notification rules
Organize datasets
Create and track incidents
Manage global roles and user groups
Manage dataset roles
Integrate Soda
Integrate with Alation
Integrate with Atlan
Integrate with dbt
Integrate with GitHub
Integrate with Jira
Integrate with Metaphor
Integrate with MS Teams
Integrate with Purview
Integrate with ServiceNow
Integrate with Slack
Integrate with SSO
Integrate webhooks
SodaCL reference
Metrics and checks
Optional check configurations
Anomaly detection checks
Anomaly score checks (Deprecated)
Check template
Cross checks
Distribution checks
Failed rows checks
Filters and variables
For each
Freshness checks
Group by
Group evolution
Missing metrics
Numeric metrics
Reconciliation checks
Reference checks
Schema checks
User-defined checks
Validity metrics
Troubleshoot SodaCL
Data source reference
Connect to Athena
Connect to BigQuery
Connect to ClickHouse
Connect to Dask and Pandas
Connect to Databricks
Connect to Denodo
Connect to Dremio
Connect to DuckDB
Connect to Google CloudSQL
Connect to IBM DB2
Connect to a local file
Connect to MotherDuck
Connect to MS SQL Server
Connect to MySQL
Connect to OracleDB
Connect to PostgreSQL
Connect to Presto
Connect to Redshift
Connect to Snowflake
Connect to Spark
Connect to Synapse
Connect to Trino
Connect to Vertica
Troubleshoot connections
Soda Cloud API
Soda Cloud API v1
GET checks into CSV
Soda Cloud Reporting API
Reporting API v1
Migration guide
Create a data contract
Set up data contracts
Write a data contract
Verify a data contract
Data contract check reference
Learning resources
Soda product overview
How Soda works
Soda Agent basic concepts
Soda architecture
Active checks
Data security and privacy
Soda Library usage statistics
What's new in docs?
Soda Community Code of Conduct
Soda SQL is now Soda Core
Soda Core
Release notes
Soda products
Release states
Soda Library
Soda Agent
Soda Cloud
Soda Cloud API
Soda Cloud Reporting API
Soda Core
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Hi, how can
we help you?
Get started
Take a sip of Soda
Choose a flavor of Soda
Create an account
Ask AI!
What's new?
Create user groups
Anomaly detection dashboards
Anomaly detection
Set up Soda-hosted Agent
Use case guides
Test data in Dagster
Test data in ADF
Test data in Airflow
Test data in Databricks
Quick start for SodaCL
SodaCL metrics and checks
Checks for data migration
Soda community
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Access Soda support
Attend an event
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