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Check template

Last modified on 19-Mar-25

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Use a check template to define a reusable, user-defined metric that you can apply to many checks in multiple checks files.

  - name: template_alpha
    description: Reusable SQL for writing checks.
    author: Jean-Claude
    metric: alpha
    query: |
      SELECT count(*) as alpha FROM ${table}
checks for dim_account:
  - $template_alpha:
        table: dim_account
      fail: when > 0

✖️    Requires Soda Core Scientific (included in a Soda Agent)
✖️    Supported in Soda Core
✔️    Supported in Soda Library + Soda Cloud
✖️    Supported in Soda Cloud Agreements + Soda Agent

✖️    Available as a no-code check

Define a check template
Optional check configruations
List of comparison symbols and phrases
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Define a check template

Requires Soda Library
Not yet supported in Soda Cloud

A check template involves both a template YAML file in which you define resuable user-defined metrics, and at least one checks YAML file, in which you use the metric in a check for data quality.

A check template borrows from the user-defined check syntax and has several parameters to define:

a name
a description
an author
a metric
a query

In the very simple example below, in a file called template.yml, the SQL query defines a metric called alpha. Together with the other parameters, this user-defined metric forms the template named template_alpha. The SQL query uses a variable for the value of table so that Soda uses the value for the table parameter that you provide when you write the SodaCL check in the checks.yml file.

  - name: template_alpha
    description: Reusable SQL for writing checks.
    author: Jean-Paul
    metric: alpha
    query: |
      SELECT count(*) as alpha FROM ${table}
a name template_alpha
a description Reusable SQL for writing checks.
an author Jean-Paul
a metric alpha
a query SELECT count(*) as alpha FROM ${table}

Having defined the check template, you can now use it in a check in your checks.yml file, as in the following example.

  • Because the SQL query in the check template uses a variable for the value of table, you must supply the value in the check as a parameter.
  • Be sure to add an identifier for the dataset in the first line, even if you supply the name of the dataset in the check using a parameter. To render properly in Soda Cloud, the check must include a dataset identifier.
  • The check must include at least one alert configuration to define when the check result ought to fail or warn.
checks for dim_account:
  - $template_alpha:
        table: dim_account
      fail: when > 0

When you run a scan from the command-line, you must incude a -T option to idenfity the file path and file name of the template YAML file in which you defined your reuseable metric(s). In a programmatic scan, add the path to the template file.


soda scan -d adventureworks -c configuration.yml checks.yml -T templates.yml

Add to programmatic scan:



Soda 1.0.x
Soda Core 3.0.x
Loaded check templates from templates.yml
Processing template $template_alpha
Scan summary:
1/1 checks FAILED: 
    $template_alpha fail when > 0 [FAILED]
      check_value: 99.0
Oops! 1 failures. 0 warnings. 0 errors. 0 pass.

In a variation of the example above, you can use a template within a failed row check so as to collect failed row samples, as in the example below.

checks for dim_account:
  - failed rows:
          table: dim_account

In the following example, the same template.yml file contains a second template definition for beta. Together with the other parameters, this user-defined metric forms the template named template_beta and does not use a variable for the table name.

  - name: template_beta
    description: Simplified reusable SQL query.
    author: Jean-Claude
    metric: beta
    query: |
      SELECT count(*) as beta FROM dim_customer

You can then use the template in a check in the same, or different, checks.yml file. Even though the name of the dataset is included in the SQL query, you need to identify it in the check. The check must include at least one alert configuration to define when the check result ought to fail or warn.

checks for dim_customer:
  - $template_beta:
      warn: when between 1000 and 9999

When you run a scan from the command-line, you must incude a -T option to idenfity the file path and file name of the template YAML file in which you defined your reuseable metric(s). In a programmatic scan, add the path to the template file.

CLI command:

soda scan -d adventureworks -c configuration.yml checks.yml -T templates.yml

Add to programmatic scan:



soda scan -d adventureworks -c configuration.yml checks2.yml -T templates.yml
Soda 1.0.x
Soda Core 3.0.x
Loaded check templates from templates.yml
Processing template $template_beta 
Scan summary:
1/1 check PASSED: 
    $template_beta warn when between 1000 and 9999 [PASSED]
All is good. No failures. No warnings. No errors.

Optional check configurations

Supported Configuration Documentation
Define a name for a freshness check; see example. Customize check names
Add an identity to a check. Add a check identity
Define alert configurations to specify warn and fail thresholds; see example. Add alert configurations
  Apply an in-check filter to return results for a specific portion of the data in your dataset. -
Use quotes when identifying dataset or column names; see example.
Note that the type of quotes you use must match that which your data source uses. For example, BigQuery uses a backtick (`) as a quotation mark.
Use quotes in a check
Use wildcard characters in the value in the check. Use wildcard values as you would with CTE or SQL.
  Use for each to apply checks that use templates to multiple datasets in one scan. -
  Apply a dataset filter to partition data during a scan.
Known issue: Dataset filters are not compatible with user-defined metrics in check templates.

Example with check name

  - $template_beta:
      warn: when between 1000 and 9999
      name: Check with beta template

Example with alert configuration

  - $template_alpha:
        table: dim_account
      fail: when > 0

Example with quotes

  - $template_alpha:
        table: "dim_account"
      fail: when > 0

List of comparison symbols and phrases

 not between 

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Last modified on 19-Mar-25