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Soda Core

Last modified on 19-Mar-25

Soda Core is a free, open-source Python library and CLI tool that enables data engineers to test data quality. Accessible on along with its documentation, you can download the CLI tool or import the Python library to prepare checks for data quality.

  • Available for free
  • Compatible with basic SodaCL checks and configurations
  • Supports connections to 18+ data sources


Soda Library, an extension of Soda Core, enables users to connect to Soda Cloud and is compatible with complex SodaCL checks, and offers other features and functionality not available with the open-source tool.

Install Soda Library for a free, 45-day trial, or migrate from Soda Core to Soda Library without changing checks or data source connections.

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Documentation always applies to the latest version of Soda products
Last modified on 19-Mar-25