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Write a data contract

Last modified on 21-Oct-24

× Data contracts is an experimental project in Soda Core.

As the development team explores data contracts, expect minor imperfections, inconsistencies, and limited support, compatibility, and functionality if you download and use the soda-core-contracts package.

Soda data contracts is a Python library that uses checks to verify data. Contracts enforce data quality standards in a data pipeline so as to prevent negative downstream impact. To verify the data quality standards for a dataset, you prepare a data contract YAML file, which is a formal description of the data. In the data contract, you use checks to define your expectations for good-quality data. Using the Python API, you can add data contract verification ideally right after new data has been produced.

Be aware, Soda data contracts checks do not use SodaCL.

In your data pipeline, add a data contract after data has been produced or transformed so that when you programmatically run a scan via the Python API, Soda data contracts verifies the contract, executing the checks contained within the contract and producing results which indicate whether the checks passed or failed.

dataset: dim_customer

filter_sql: |
  created > ${FILTER_START_TIME}


- name: last_name
  data_type: character varying
  - type: no_missing_values
  - type: no_duplicate_values
  - type: no_invalid_values
    valid_regex: '^(?:[A-Z])$'
- name: total_children
  data_type: integer
  - type: avg
    must_be_between: [2, 10]
- name: country_id
  - type: invalid_percent
      dataset: COUNTRIES
      column: id
    must_be_less_than: 5
- name: date_first_purchase
  - type: freshness_in_hours
    must_be_less_than: 6

- type: rows_exist
- type: no_duplicate_values
  columns: ['phone', 'email']

✖️    Requires Soda Core Scientific
✔️    Experimentally supported in Soda Core 3.3.3 or greater for PostgreSQL, Snowflake, and Spark
✖️    Supported in Soda Core CLI
✖️    Supported in Soda Library + Soda Cloud
✖️    Supported in Soda Cloud Agreements + Soda Agent

✖️    Available as a no-code check

Prepare a data contract
(Optional) Add YAML code completion in VS Code
(Optional) Add YAML code completion in PyCharm
List of contract configuration keys
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Prepare a data contract

  1. After completing the Soda data contracts install requirements, use a code or text editor to create a new YAML file name dim_customer.contract.yml.
  2. In the dim_customer.contract.yml file, define the schema, or list of columns, that a data contract must verify, and any data contract checks you wish to enforce for your dataset. At a minimum, you must include the following required parameters; refer to List of configuration keys below.
     # an identifier for the table or view in the SQL data source
     dataset: dim_customer
     # a list of columns that represents the dataset's schema, 
     # each of which is identified by the name of a column  
     # in the SQL data source
     - name: first_name
     - name: last_name
     - name: birthdate
  3. Optionally, you can include any of the following parameters in the file. Refer to Data contracts check reference for a complete list of available checks.
     dataset: dim_customer
     # a filter to verify a partition of data
     filter_sql: |
       created > ${FILTER_START_TIME}
     - name: first_name
       # an optional parameter to verify the expected type of data in a column
       data_type: character varying
       # an optional parameter to indicate that a column in a schema is not required
       optional: true
     - name: last_name
       # a list of data contract checks that apply to the column, 
       # each of which is identified by a type parameter
       - type: no_missing_values
       - type: no_duplicate_values
     - name: birthdate
     # a data contract check that applies to the entire dataset
     - type: rows_exist
  4. Save the file, then reference it when you add a contract verification step to your programmatic Soda scan; see Verify a data contract.

Organize your data contracts

Best practice dictates that you structure your data contracts files in a way that resembles the structure of your data source.

  1. In your root git repository folder, create a soda folder.
  2. In the soda folder, create one folder per data source, then add a data source.yml file in each.
  3. In each data source folder, create folders in each schema, then add the contract files in the schema folders.
+ soda
|  + postgres_local
|  |  + data_source.yml
|  |  + public
|  |  |  + customers.yml
|  |  |  + suppliers.yml
|  + snowflake_sales
|  |  data_source.yml
|  |  + RAW
|  |  |  + opportunities.yml
|  |  |  + contacts.yml

(Optional) Add YAML code completion in VS Code

  1. If you have not already done so, install the Red Hat VS Code YAML extension.
  2. From the public soda-core repo, download the ./soda/contracts/soda_data_contract_schema_1_0_0.json to a local folder that contains, or will contain, your contract YAML files.
  3. Add the following yaml-language-server details to the top of your contract YAML file. You can supply a relative file path for the $schema which the extension determines according to the YAML file path, not from the workspace root path.
     # yaml-language-server: $schema=./soda_data_contract_schema_1_0_0.json
     dataset: CUSTOMERS
     - name: id
       data_type: VARCHAR
       - type: duplicate_count

Alternatively, access instructions to create your own auto-completion.

(Optional) Add YAML code completion in PyCharm

  1. Choose an extension for your contract files. For example .contract.yml
  2. From the public soda-core repo, download the ./soda/contracts/soda_data_contract_schema_1_0_0.json to a local drive that also contains, or will contain, your contract YAML files.
  3. In your PyCharm environment, navigate to Preferences > Languages & Frameworks > Schemas and DTDs > JSON Schema Mappings.
  4. Add a mapping between the extensions you chose in step 1. For example, use *.contract.yml files and map to the schema file that you saved on your local file system.

See also: Using custom JSON schemas.

List of configuration keys

Top-level key Value Required
dataset Specify the name of the dataset upon which you wish to enforce the contract. required
owner Specify the name of the dataset owner. Soda validates owner as a YAML object. There is no logic associated with the owner key, but if owner is not an object, the contract verification fails. required
columns Provide a list of columns that form part of the data contract. required
any Provide a custom key-value pair to record any data contract detail you wish, such as dataset owner, department, created_at date, etc. See: Leverage Soda YAML extensibility optional
filter_sql Write a SQL query to partition the data on which you wish to verify the data contract.
Supply the value of any variables in the filter at scan time.
checks Define data contract checks that Soda executes against the entire dataset optional
Column key Value Required
name Specify the name of a column in your dataset. required
data_type Identify the type of data the column must contain. optional
optional Indicate that a column in a schema is not required. optional
checks Provide a list of data contract checks that Soda executes against the column. optional
Checks key Value Required
type several; see Data contract check reference optional

Threshold key Expected value Example
must_be number must_be: 0
must_not_be number must_not_be: 0
must_be_greater_than number must_be_greater_than: 100
must_be_greater_than_or_equal_to number must_be_greater_than_or_equal_to: 100
must_be_less_than number must_be_less_than: 100
must_be_less_than_or_equal_to number must_be_less_than_or_equal_to: 100
must_be_between list of 2 numbers must_be_between: [0, 100]
must_be_not_between list of 2 numbers must_be_not_between: [0, 100]

Threshold boundaries

When you use must_be_between threshold keys, Soda includes the boundary values as acceptable. In the following example, a check result of 100 or 120 each passes.

dataset: dim_customer

- name: first_name
- name: middle_name
- name: last_name

- type: row_count
  must_be_between: [100, 120]

When you use must_be_between threshold keys, Soda includes the boundary values as acceptable. In the following example, a check result of 0 or 120 each fails.

dataset: dim_customer

- name: first_name
- name: middle_name
- name: last_name

- type: row_count
  must_be_not_between: [0, 120]

Use multiple thresholds to adjust the inclusion of boundary values.

dataset: dim_customer

- name: total_children
  # check passes if values are outside the range, inclusive of 20 
  - type: avg
    must_be_less_than: 10
    must_be_greater_than_or_equal_to: 20
- name: yearly_income
  # check passes if values are inside the range, inclusive of 100
  - type: avg
    must_be_greater_than_or_equal_to: 100
    must_be_less_than: 200

Leverage Soda YAML extensibility

Because the Soda data contract YAML is extensible, you can add your own custom configuration parameters to a data contract YAML file for other tools in your data stack to use. Soda data contracts ignores these custom keys during verification.

For example, you may wish to include a parameter to identify a dataset’s owner, or to identify role-based access that another tool enforces.

dataset: dim_product


# Configure parameters for other tools to use.
# Soda data contract verification ignores this parameter.
- admin 
- product_mgr

# Soda data contract verification ignores this parameter.
- admin 

- name: discount_percent
  # Soda data contract verification ignores this parameter.
  sensitive: true

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Documentation always applies to the latest version of Soda products
Last modified on 21-Oct-24