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Integrate Soda with a GitHub Workflow

Last modified on 27-Feb-25

Add the Soda GitHub Action to your GitHub Workflow to automatically execute scans for data quality during development.

name: Scan for data quality

on: pull_request
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    name: Run Soda Scan
      - name: Checkout
        uses: actions/checkout@v3

      - name: Perform Soda Scan
        uses: sodadata/soda-github-action@v1
          SODA_CLOUD_API_KEY: ${{ secrets.SODA_CLOUD_API_KEY }}
          soda_library_version: v1.0.4
          data_source: snowflake
          configuration: ./configuration.yaml
          checks: ./checks.yaml

About Soda and the Soda GitHub Action
Add the Action to a Workflow
    Required Action input
Notes and limitations
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About Soda and the Soda GitHub Action

Soda works by taking the data quality checks that you prepare and using them to run a scan of datasets in a data source. A scan is a CLI command which instructs Soda to prepare optimized SQL queries that execute data quality checks on your data source to find invalid, missing, or unexpected data. When checks fail, they surface bad-quality data and present check results that help you investigate and address quality issues.

For example, in a repository in which are adding a transformation or making changes to a dbt model, you can add the GitHub Action for Soda to your workflow, as above. With each new pull request, or commit to an existing one, it executes a Soda scan for data quality and presents the results of the scan in a comment in the pull request, and in a report in Soda Cloud.

Where the scan results indicate an issue with data quality, Soda notifies you in both a PR comment and by email so that you can investigate and address any issues before merging your PR into production. Note that the Action does not yet support sending notifications via Slack, only email; see Notes and limitations.


Further, you can access a full report of the data quality scan results, including scan logs, in your Soda Cloud account via the link in the PR comment.



  • You have a GitHub account, and are familiar with using GitHub Workflows and Actions.
  • You have access to the data source login credentials that Soda needs to access your data to run a scan for quality.

Add the Action to a Workflow

  1. If you have not already done so, create a Soda Cloud account, which is free for a 45-day trial.
    Why do I need a Soda Cloud account? To validate your account license or free trial, the Soda Library Docker image that the GitHub Action uses to execute scans must communicate with a Soda Cloud account via API keys.
    Create new API keys in your Soda Cloud account, then use them to configure the connection between the Soda Library Docker image and your account in step 4 of this procedure.

  2. In the GitHub repository in which you wish to include data quality scans in a Workflow, create a folder named soda for the configuration files that Soda requires as input to run a scan.
  3. In this folder, create two files:
    • a configuration.yml file to store the connection configuration Soda needs to connect to your data source and your Soda Cloud account.
    • a checks.yml file to store the SodaCL checks you wish to execute to test for data quality. A check is a test that Soda executes when it scans a dataset in your data source.
  4. Follow the instructions to add connection configuration details for both your data source and Soda Cloud account to the configuration.yml, and add checks for data quality for a dataset to your checks.yml. Examples of each follow.
    # configuration.yml file
    data_source aws_postgres_retail:
      type: postgres
      host: soda-demo
      username: ${POSTGRES_USERNAME}
      password: ${POSTGRES_PASSWORD}
      database: postgres
      schema: public
    # Refer to
      api_key_id: ${SODA_CLOUD_API_KEY}
      api_key_secret: ${SODA_CLOUD_API_KEY}
    # checks.yml file
    checks for retail_orders:
      - row_count > 0
      - missing_count(order_quantity) < 3
  5. In the .github/workflows folder in your GitHub repository, open an existing Workflow or create a new workflow file. Determine where you wish to add a Soda scan for data quality in your workflow, such as after a trasnformation and dbt run. Refer to Test data in development for a recommended approach.
  6. Access the GitHub Marketplace to access the Soda GitHub Action. Click Use latest version to copy the code snippet for the Action.
  7. Paste the snippet into your new or existing workflow as an independent step, then add the required action inputs as in the following example. Refer to table below for input details.
    - name: Soda Library Action
      uses: sodadata/soda-github-action@v1.0.0
        soda_library_version: v1.0.4
        data_source: aws_postgres_retail
        configuration: .soda/configuration.yaml
        checks: .soda/checks.yaml
  8. (Optional) Following best practice, add a list of variables for sensitive login credentials and keys, as in the following example. Read more about GitHub encrypted secrets.
    - name: Perform Soda Scan
      uses: sodadata/soda-github-action@v1
        SODA_CLOUD_API_KEY: ${{ secrets.SODA_CLOUD_API_KEY }}
        soda_library_version: v1.0.4
        data_source: snowflake1
        configuration: .soda/configuration.yaml
        checks: .soda/checks.yaml
  9. Save the changes to your workflow file, then test the action’s functionality by triggering the event that workflow job in GitHub, such as creating a pull request.
    To monitor the progress of the workflow, access the Actions tab in your GitHub repository, select the workflow in which you added the GitHub Action for Soda, then find the run in the list of Workflow Runs.
  10. When the job completes, navigate to the pull request’s Conversation tab to view the comment the Action posted via the github-action bot. To examine the full scan report and troubleshoot any issues, click the link to View the full scan results in the comment, then click View Scan Log. Use Troubleshoot SocaCL for help diagnosing issues with SodaCL checks.


  • Add more SodaCL checks to your checks.yml file to validate data according to your own use cases and requirements. Refer to SodaCL reference documentation, and the SodaCL tutorial.
  • Follow the guide for Test data during development for more insight into a use case for the GitHub Action for Soda.

Required Action input

Input Description Required
soda_library_version Version of the Soda Library that runs the scan. Supply a specific version, such as v1.0.4, or latest.
See soda-library docker images for possible versions. Compatible with Soda Library 1.0.4 and higher.
data_source Name of data source on which to perform the scan.
configuration File path to configuration YAML file. See Soda docs.
checks File path to checks YAML file. See Soda docs. Compatible with shell filename extensions.
Identify multiple check files, if you wish. For example: ./checks_*.yaml or ./{check1.yaml,check2.yaml}

Notes and limitations

  • Be aware that for self-hosted runners in GitHub:
    • Windows runners are not supported, including the use of official Windows-based images such as windows-latest
    • MacOS runners require Docker installation because the macos-latest does not come with Docker pre-installed.
  • The scan results that the GitHub Action for Soda produces do not appear among your primary checks results. The results are ephemeral and serve only to flag and fix issues during development. Though the results are ephemeral, checks that Soda executes via the GitHub Action for Soda count towards the check allotment associated with your licence.
  • The ephemeral scan results that the GitHub Action for Soda produces do not persist historical measurements. Thus, checks that normally evaluate against stored values in the Cloud Metric Store, such as schema checks, do not evaluate in scans that the GitHub Action for Soda executes.
  • The ephemeral scan results that the GitHub Action for Soda produces cannot send notifications according to Notification Rules in your Soda Cloud account. The only notifications for the results are:
    • the status report in the GitHub PR comment
    • an email to the email address you used to create your Soda Cloud account

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Documentation always applies to the latest version of Soda products
Last modified on 27-Feb-25