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Failed rows checks

Last modified on 25-Jul-24

Use a failed rows check to explicitly send samples of rows that failed a check to Soda Cloud.

You can also use a failed row check to configure Soda Library to execute a CTE or SQL query against your data, or to group failed check results by one or more categories.

checks for dim_customer:
# Failed rows defined using common table expression
  - failed rows:
      samples limit: 50
      fail condition: total_children = '2' and number_cars_owned >= 3
checks for dim_customer:
# Failed rows defined using SQL query
  - failed rows:
      fail query: |
        SELECT DISTINCT geography_key
        FROM dim_customer as customer

✔️    Requires Soda Core Scientific (included in a Soda Agent)
✔️    Supported in Soda Core
✔️    Supported in Soda Library + Soda Cloud
✔️    Supported in Soda Cloud Agreements + Soda Agent

✔️    Available as a no-code check with a self-hosted Soda Agent connected to any
        Soda-supported data source, except Spark, and Dask and Pandas

        with a Soda-hosted Agent connected to a BigQuery, Databricks SQL, MS SQL Server,
        MySQL, PostgreSQL, Redshift, or Snowflake data source

About failed row samples
Define failed rows checks
Optional check configurations
Set a sample limit
Disable failed rows sampling for specific columns
    Configure in Soda Cloud
    Configure in Soda Library
    Disabling options and details
    About failed rows sampling queries
Reroute failed rows samples
Configure a failed row sampler for programmatic scans
Go further


  • To use failed row checks to send failed rows samples to Soda Cloud, samples collection must not be disabled in Soda Cloud.

About failed row samples

When a scan results in a failed check, the CLI output displays information about the check that failed and why. To offer more insight into the data that failed a check, Soda Cloud displays failed rows in a check result’s history.

There are two ways you can configure a SodaCL check to send failed row samples to your Soda Cloud account:

  1. Implicitly: define a reference check, or use a duplicate_count or duplicate_percent metric, a missing metric, or a validity metric in your check. Checks that use these metrics automatically send 100 failed row samples to your Soda Cloud account.
  2. Explicitly: use failed rows checks to explicitly send failed rows to Soda Cloud. Read on!

Define failed rows checks

In the context of SodaCL check types, failed row checks are user-defined. This check is limited in its syntax variation, but you can customize your expression or query as much as you like.

The example below uses common table expression (CTE) to define the fail condition that any rows in the dim_customer dataset must meet in order to qualify as failed rows, during a scan, get sent to Soda Cloud.

In this rather silly example, Soda sends any rows which contain the value 2 in the total_children column and which contain a value greater than or equal to 3 in the number_cars_owned column to Soda Cloud as failed row samples. The check also uses the name configuration key to customize a name for the check so that it displays in a more readable form in Soda Cloud; see image below.

checks for dim_customer:
  - failed rows:
      name: Failed rows with CTE
      fail condition: total_children = '2' and number_cars_owned >= 3

# OR

  - failed rows:
      name: Failed rows with CTE
      fail condition: |
        total_children = '2' and number_cars_owned >= 3


If you prefer, you can use a SQL query to define what qualifies as a failed row for Soda to send to Soda Cloud, as in the following simple example. Use this cofiguration to include complete SQL queries in the Soda scan of your data.

checks for dim_customer:
  - failed rows:
      fail query: |
        SELECT DISTINCT geography_key
        FROM dim_customer as customer


Optional check configurations

Supported Configuration Documentation
Define a name for a failed rows check; see example. Customize check names
Add an identity to a check. Add a check identity
Define alert configurations to specify warn and fail alert conditions; see example. Add alert configurations
  Apply an in-check filter to return results for a specific portion of the data in your dataset. -
Use quotes when identifying dataset or column names; see example.
Note that the type of quotes you use must match that which your data source uses. For example, BigQuery uses a backtick (`) as a quotation mark.
Use quotes in a check
Use wildcard characters in the value in the check. Use wildcard values as you would with CTE or SQL.
  Use for each to apply failed rows checks to multiple datasets in one scan. -
Apply a dataset filter to partition data during a scan; see example.
Known issue: Dataset filters are not compatible with failed rows checks which use a SQL query. With such a check, Soda does not apply the dataset filter at scan time.
Scan a portion of your dataset

Example with check name

checks for dim_customer:
  - failed rows:
      name: Failed rows query test
      fail query: |
        SELECT DISTINCT geography_key
        FROM dim_customer as customer

Example with alert

checks for dim_customer:
  - failed rows:
      samples limit: 50
      fail condition: total_children = '2' and number_cars_owned >= 3
      warn: when between 1 and 10
      fail: when > 10

Example with quotes

checks for dim_customer:
  - failed rows:
      name: Failed rows query test
      fail query: |
        SELECT DISTINCT "geography_key"
        FROM dim_customer as customer

Example with dataset filter

Known issue: Dataset filters are not compatible with failed rows checks which use a SQL query. With such a check, Soda does not apply the dataset filter at scan time.

filter dim_product [new]:
  where: start_date < TIMESTAMP '2015-01-01'

checks for dim_product [new]:
  - failed rows:
      name: Failed CTE with filter
      fail condition: weight < '200' and reorder_point >= 3

Set a sample limit

By default, Soda sends 100 failed row samples to Soda Cloud. You can limit the number of sample rows that Soda sends using the samples limit configuration key:value pair, as in the following example.

checks for dim_customer:
  - failed rows:
      samples limit: 50
      fail condition: total_children = '2' and number_cars_owned >= 3

If you wish to prevent Soda from collecting and sending failed row samples to Soda Cloud for an individual check, you can set the samples limit to 0. Alternatively, you can disable all samples for all your data; see Disable samples in Soda Cloud.

checks for dim_customer:
  - failed rows:
      samples limit: 0
      fail condition: total_children = '2' and number_cars_owned >= 3

If you wish to set a limit on the samples that Soda collects for an entire data source, you can do so by adjusting the configuration YAML file, or editing the Data Source connection details in Soda Cloud, as per the following syntax.

data_source soda_test:
  type: postgres
    samples_limit: 99

Additionally, you can Disable failed rows sampling for specific columns.

Disable failed rows sampling for specific columns

For checks which implicitly or explicitly collect failed rows samples, you can add a configuration to prevent Soda from collecting failed rows samples from specific columns that contain sensitive data.

See also:

For example, you may wish to exclude a column that contains personal identifiable information (PII) such as credit card numbers from the Soda query that collects samples.

To do so, add the sampler configuration to your data source connection configuration to specify the columns you wish to exclude, as per the following examples.

data_source my_datasource_name:
  type: postgres
  host: localhost
  port: '5432'
  username: ***
  password: ***
  database: postgres
  schema: public
        - column_name1
        - column_name2
        - column_nameA
        - column_nameB


data_source my_datasource_name:
  type: postgres
      dataset_name: [column_name1, column_name2]
      dataset_name_other: [column_nameA, column_nameB]

Configure in Soda Cloud

  1. As an Admin user, log in to Soda Cloud, then navigate to an existing data source: your avatar > Data Sources.
  2. In the Data Sources tab, click to open the data source that contains the columns in the dataset that you wish to exclude from failed rows sampling, then navigate to the Connect the Data Source tab.
  3. To the connection configuration, add the sampler configuration as outlined above.
  4. Save the changes.

Alternatively, you can disable the failed row samples feature entirely in Soda Cloud; see Disable failed row samples for details.

Configure in Soda Library

  1. Open the configuration YAML file that contains the data source connection configuration for the data source that contains the dataset that contains the columns that you wish to exclude from failed rows sampling.
  2. To the connection configuration, add the sampler configuration above to specify the columns you wish to exclude, as outlined above.
  3. Save the changes to the file.

Disabling options and details

Optionally, you can use wildcard characters * in the sampler configuration, as in the following examples.

# disable all failed rows samples on all datasets
    '*': ['*']

# disable failed rows samples on all columns named "password" in all datasets
    '*': [password]

# disable failed rows samples on the "last_name" column and all columns that begin with "pii_" from all datasets that begin with "soda_"
    soda_*: [last_name, pii_*]
  • Soda executes the exclude_columns values cumulatively. For example, for the following configuration, Soda excludes the columns password, last_name and any columns that begin with pii_ from the retail_customers dataset.
    retail_*: [password]
    retail_customers: [last_name, pii_*]
  • The exclude_columns configuration also applies to any custom, user-defined failed rows sampler.

  • The exclude_columns configuration does not apply to sample data collection.

  • Checks in which you provide a complete SQL query, such as failed rows checks that use a fail query, do not honor the exclude_column configuration. Instead, a gatekeeper component parses all queries that Soda runs to collect samples and ensures that none of columns listed in an exclude_column configuration slip through when generating the sample queries. In such a case, the Soda Library CLI provides a message to indicate the gatekeeper’s behavior:

    Skipping samples from query 'retail_orders.last_name.failed_rows[missing_count]'. Excluded column(s) present: ['*'].

About failed rows sampling queries

For the most part, when you exclude a column from failed rows sampling, Soda does not include the column in its query to collect samples. In other words, it does not collect the samples then prevent them from sending to Soda Cloud, Soda does not query the column for samples, period. (There are some edge cases in which this is not the case and for those instances, a gatekeeper component ensures that no excluded columns are included in failed rows samples.)

As an example, imagine a check that looks for NULL values in a column that you included in your exclude_columns configuration. (A missing metric in a check implicitly collects failed rows samples.)

checks for retail_orders:
  - missing_count(cat) = 0

If the cat column were not an excluded column, Soda would generate two queries:

  • a query that executes the check
  • another query to collect failed rows samples for checks that failed
SELECT * FROM dev_m1n0.sodatest_customers_6c2f3574

SELECT * FROM dev_m1n0.sodatest_customers_6c2f3574

But because the cat column is excluded, Soda must generate three queries:

  • a query that executes the check
  • a query to gather the schema of the dataset to identify all columns
  • another query to collect failed rows samples for checks that failed, only on columns identified on the list returned by the preceding query
FROM sodatest_customers

Query soda_test.get_table_columns_sodatest_customers:
SELECT column_name, data_type, is_nullable
FROM information_schema.columns
WHERE lower(table_name) = 'sodatest_customers'
  AND lower(table_catalog) = 'soda'
  AND lower(table_schema) = 'dev_1'

Skipping columns ['cat'] from table 'sodatest_customers' when selecting all columns data.

SELECT id, cst_size, cst_size_txt, distance, pct, country, zip, email, date_updated, ts, ts_with_tz FROM sodatest_customers

Reroute failed rows samples

If the data you are checking contains sensitive information, you may wish to send any failed rows samples that Soda collects to a secure, internal location rather than Soda Cloud.

To do so, configure a custom failed row sampler to receive the failed rows into a JSON and then convert them into the format you need. Then, add the storage configuration to your sampler configuration in your data source connection configuration.

Soda sends the failed rows samples as a JSON event payload and includes the following, as in the example below.

  • data source name
  • dataset name
  • scan definition name
  • check name
    "check_name": "String",
    "count": "Integer",
    "dataset": "String",
    "datasource": "String",
    "rows": [
            "column1": "String|Number|Boolean",
            "column2": "String|Number|Boolean"
    "schema": [
            "name": "String",
            "type": "String"
  1. Configure a custom failed row sampler; see example.
  2. As an Admin user, log in to Soda Cloud, then navigate to an existing data source: your avatar > Data Sources.
  3. In the Data Sources tab, click to open the data source for which you wish to reroute failed rows samples, then navigate to the Connect the Data Source tab.
  4. To the connection configuration, add the storage configuration as outlined below, then save.
      data_source my_datasource_name:
     type: postgres
     host: localhost
     port: '5432'
     username: ***
     password: ***
     database: postgres
     schema: public
         type: http
         message: Failed rows have been sent to
         link: https://www.example.url
         link_text: S3
Parameter Value Description
type http Provide an HTTP endpoint such as a Lambda function, or a custom Python HTTP service.
url any URL Provide a valid URL that accepts JSON payloads.
message any string (Optional) Provide a customized message that Soda Cloud displays in the failed rows tab, prepended to the sampler response, to instruct your fellow Soda Cloud users how to find where the failed rows samples are stored in your environment.
For example, if you wish the complete message to read: “Failed rows have been sent to dir/file.json”, configure the syntax as in the example above and return the file location path in the sampler’s response.
link any URL (Optional) Provide a link to a web application through which users can access the stored sample.
link_text any string (Optional) Provide text for the link button. For example, “View Failed Samples”.
  1. Configure a custom failed row sampler; see example.
  2. Open the configuration YAML file that contains the data source connection configuration for the data source for which you wish to reroute failed rows samples.
  3. To the connection configuration, add the storage configuration to specify the columns you wish to exclude, as outlined below, then save the changes to the file.
      data_source my_datasource_name:
     type: postgres
     host: localhost
     port: '5432'
     username: ***
     password: ***
     database: postgres
     schema: public
         type: http
         message: Failed rows have been sent to
         link: https://www.example.url
         link_text: S3
Parameter Value Description
type http Provide an HTTP endpoint such as a Lambda function, or a custom Python HTTP service.
url any URL Provide a valid URL that accepts JSON payloads.
message any string (Optional) Provide a customized message that Soda Cloud displays in the failed rows tab, prepended to the sampler response, to instruct your fellow Soda Cloud users how to find where the failed rows samples are stored in your environment.
For example, if you wish the complete message to read: “Failed rows have been sent to dir/file.json”, configure the syntax as in the example above and return the file location path in the sampler’s response.
link any URL (Optional) Provide a link to a web application through which users can access the stored sample.
link_text any string (Optional) Provide text for the link button. For example, “View Failed Samples”.

Example: Custom failed row sampler

The following is an example of a custom failed row sampler that gets the failed rows from the Soda event object (JSON payload, see example below) and prints the failed rows in CSV format.

Borrow from this example to create your own custom sampler that you can use to reroute failed row samples.

import csv
import io

# Function to put failed row samples in a AWS Lambda / Azure function / Google Cloud function
def lambda_handler(event):
    check_name = event['check_name']
    count = event['count']
    dataset = event['dataset']
    datasource = event['datasource']
    rows = event['rows']
    schema = event['schema']

    csv_buffer = io.StringIO()

    # Write data to CSV buffer
    csv_writer = csv.writer(csv_buffer)

    # Write row header
    header_row = [column['name'] for column in schema]

    # Write each row of data
    for row in rows:

    # Move to the beginning of the buffer

    # Read the content of the buffer
    csv_content = csv_buffer.getvalue()

    # Print the content

Example CSV output:


Configure a failed row sampler for programmatic scans

If you are running Soda scans programmatically, you can add a custom sampler to collect samples of rows with a fail check result. Refer to the following example that prints the failed row samples in the CLI.

💡 Copy+paste and run an example script locally to print failed row samples in the CLI scan output.

from soda.scan import Scan
from soda.sampler.sampler import Sampler
from soda.sampler.sample_context import SampleContext

# Create a custom sampler by extending the Sampler class
class CustomSampler(Sampler):
    def store_sample(self, sample_context: SampleContext):
        # Retrieve the rows from the sample for a check.
        rows = sample_context.sample.get_rows()
        # Check SampleContext for more details that you can extract.
        # This example simply prints the failed row samples.

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # Create Scan object.
    s = Scan()
    # Configure an instance of custom sampler.
    s.sampler = CustomSampler()

    data_source test:
      type: postgres
      schema: public
      host: localhost
      port: 5433
      username: postgres
      password: secret
      database: postgres

    checks for dim_account:
        - invalid_percent(account_type) = 0:
            valid format: email


Save failed row samples to alternate desination

If you prefer to send the output of the failed row sampler to a destination other than Soda Cloud, you can do so by customizing the sampler as above, then using the Python API to save the rows to a JSON file. Refer to Python docs for Reading and writing files for details.

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Documentation always applies to the latest version of Soda products
Last modified on 25-Jul-24