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Write SodaCL checks

Last modified on 19-Mar-25

Soda Checks Language (SodaCL) is a YAML-based, domain-specific language for data reliability. Used in conjunction with Soda tools, you use SodaCL to write checks for data quality, then run a scan of the data in your data source to execute those checks. A Soda Check is a test that Soda performs when it scans a dataset in your data source.

A Soda scan executes the checks you write in an agreement, in a checks YAML file, or inline in a programmatic invocation, and returns a result for each check: pass, fail, or error. Optionally, you can configure a check to warn instead of fail by setting an alert configuration.

As a step in the Get started roadmap, this guide offers instructions to define your first SodaCL checks in the Soda Cloud UI as no-code checks or in agreements, in a checks YAML file, or within a programmatic invocation of Soda.

Get started roadmap

  1. Choose a flavor of Soda
  2. Set up Soda: install, deploy, or invoke
  3. Write SodaCL checks đź“Ť You are here!
  4. Run scans and review results
  5. Organize, alert, investigate


# Checks for basic validations
checks for dim_customer:
  - row_count between 10 and 1000
  - missing_count(birth_date) = 0
  - invalid_percent(phone) < 1 %:
      valid format: phone number
  - invalid_count(number_cars_owned) = 0:
      valid min: 1
      valid max: 6
  - duplicate_count(phone) = 0

checks for dim_product:
  - avg(safety_stock_level) > 50
# Checks for schema changes
  - schema:
      name: Find forbidden, missing, or wrong type
        when required column missing: [dealer_price, list_price]
        when forbidden column present: [credit_card]
        when wrong column type:
          standard_cost: money
        when forbidden column present: [pii*]
        when wrong column index:
          model_name: 22

# Check for freshness 
  - freshness (start_date) < 1d

# Check for referential integrity
checks for dim_department_group:
  - values in (department_group_name) must exist in dim_employee (department_name)

Define SodaCL checks

Create no-code checks for data quality directly in the Soda Cloud user interface. When you create a no-code check, you also set a schedule for Soda to execute your check when it runs a scan of your data source.

🎥 Watch a 5-minute video for no-code checks and discussions, if you like!

✖️    Requires Soda Core Scientific
✖️    Requires Soda Core
✖️    Requires Soda Library + Soda Cloud
✔️    Requires Soda Agent + Soda Cloud



  • You, or an Admin on your Soda Cloud account, has deployed a Soda Agent version 0.8.52 or greater, and connected it to your Soda Cloud account.
  • You, or an Admin on your Soda Cloud account, has added a new datasource via the Soda Agent in your Soda Cloud account and configured the data source to discover the datasets in the data source for which you want to write no-code checks. (Soda must have access to dataset names and column names to present those values in dropdown menus during no-code check creation.)
  • You must have permission to edit the dataset; see Manage dataset roles.

Create a new check

SodaCL includes over 25 built-in metrics that you can use to write checks, a subset of which are accessible via no-codecheck creation. The table below lists the checks available to create via the no-code interface; access SodaCL reference for detailed information about each metric or check.

Row count
SQL Failed rows
SQL Metric
  1. As a user with permission to do so of a dataset to which you wish to add checks, navigate to the dataset, then click Add Check. You can only create a check via the no-code interface for datasets in data sources connected via a Soda Agent.
  2. Select the type of check you wish to create, then complete the form to create the check. Refer to table below for guidance on the values to enter.
  3. Optionally, Test your check, then click Propose check to initiate a Discussion with colleagues. Soda executes the check during the next scan according to the schedule you selected, or whenever a Soda Cloud user runs the schedule scan manually.
    Be aware that a schema check requires a minimum of two measurements before it yields a useful check result because it needs at least one historical measurement of the existing schema against which to compare a new measurement to look for changes. Thus, the first time Soda executes this check, the result is [NOT EVALUATED], indicated by a gray, question mark status icon.
  4. Click Add Check to include the new, no-code check in the next scheduled scan of the dataset. Note that a user with Viewer permissions cannot add a check, they can only propose checks.
  5. Optionally, you can manually execute your check immediately. From the dataset’s page, locate the check you just created and click the stacked dots, then select Execute Check. Soda executes only your check.
Field or Label Guidance
Dataset Select the dataset to which you want the check to apply.
Check Name Provide a unique name for your check.
Add to Scan Definition Select the scan definition to which you wish to add your check. Optionally, you can click create a new Scan Definition if you want Soda to execute the check more or less frequently, or at a different time of day than existing scan definitions dictate. See Manage scheduled scans for details.
Filter fields Optionally, add an in-check filter to apply conditions that specify a portion of the data against which Soda executes the check.
Define Metric/Values/Column/SQL As each metric or check requires different values, refer to SodaCL reference for detailed information about each metric or check.
Learn more about how Soda uses OpenAI to process the input for SQL and Regex assistants in no-code checks.
Alert Level Select the check result state(s) for which you wish to be notified: Fail, Warn, or Fail and Warn. See View scan results for details.
By default, alert notifications for your check go to the Dataset Owner. See Define alert notification rules to set up more alert notifications.
Fail Condition, Value, and Value Type Set the values of these fields to specify the threshold that constitutes a fail or warn check result.
For example, if you are creating a Duplicate Check and you want to make sure that less than 5% of the rows in the column you identified contain duplicates, set:
• Fail Condition to >
• Value to 5
• Value Type to Percent
Attribute fields Select from among the list of existing attributes to apply to your check so as to organize your checks and alert notifications in Soda Cloud. Refer to Add check attributes for details.

About Soda AI assistants

Powered by OpenAI’s GPT-3.5 & GPT-4, the generative SQL and regular expression assistants available in Soda Cloud’s no-code checks helps you write the queries and expressions you can add to validity, missing, SQL failed rows, and SQL metric checks.

When creating a Missing or Validity check in the no-code user interface in Soda Cloud, you can click for help from the Soda AI Regex Assistant to translate an English request into a regular expression you can use to define missing or valid values. Similarly, access the Soda AI SQL Assistant in SQL Failed Rows or SQL Metric checks to generate SQL queries based on requests in plain English.


Soda AI SQL and Regex Assistants are enabled for new Soda Cloud accounts by default. If you do not wish to use them, navigate to your avatar > Organization Settings, then click to remove the check from the box for Enable SQL and Regex Assistants Powered By Powered by OpenAI.

Existing Soda customers can review and accept the revised Terms & Conditions, then request access.

Soda acknowledges that the output of the assistants may not be fully accurate or reliable. Leverage the assistants’ output, but be sure to carefully review all queries and expressions you add to your checks. Refer to Soda’s General Terms & Conditions in the Use of AI for further details.

Be aware that Soda shares the content of all SQL and Regex assistant prompts/input and output with OpenAI to perform the processing that yields the output. Following OpenAI’s suggestion, Soda also sends metadata, such as schema information, to OpenAI along with the prompts/input in order to improve the quality of the output. Read more about OpenAI at

The Ask AI Assistant is powered by and replaces SodaGPT. While Soda collaborates with third parties to develop certain AI features, it’s important to note that Soda does not disclose any primary data with our partners, such as data samples or data profiling details. We only share prompts and some schema information with OpenAI and to enhance the accuracy of the assistants.

Refer to Soda’s General Terms & Conditions in the Use of AI section for further details.

Define alert notification rules

By default, alert notifications for your no-code check go to the Dataset Owner and Check Owner. If you wish to send alerts elsewhere, in addition to the owner, create a notification rule.

For a new rule, you define conditions for sending notifications including the severity of a check result and whom to notify when bad data triggers an alert.

In Soda Cloud, navigate to your avatar > Notification Rules, then click New Notification Rule. Follow the guided steps to complete the new rule. Use the table below for insight into the values to enter in the fields and editing panels.

Field or Label Guidance
Name Provide a unique identifier for your notification.
For Select All Checks, or select Selected Checks to use conditions to identify specific checks to which you want the rule to apply. You can identify checks according to several attributes such as Data Source Name, Dataset Name, or Check Name.
Notify Recipient Select the destination to which this rule sends its notifications. For example, you can send the rule’s notifications to a channel in Slack.
Notify About Identify the notifications this rule sends based on the severity of the check result: warn, fail, or both.

Edit an existing check

  1. As a user with permission to do so, navigate to the dataset in which the no-code check exists.
  2. To the right of the check you wish to edit, click the stacked dots, then select Edit Check. You can only edit a check via the no-code interface if it was first created as a no-code check, as indicated by the cloud icon in the Origin column of the table of checks.
  3. Adjust the check as needed, test your check, then save. Soda executes the check during the next scan according to the scan definition you selected.
  4. Optionally, you can execute your check immediately. Locate the check you just edited and click the stacked dots, then select Execute Check. Soda executes only your check.

You can write SodaCL checks directly in the Soda Cloud user interface within an agreement. An agreement is a contract between stakeholders that stipulates the expected and agreed-upon state of data quality in a data source.

In an agreement, use SodaCL checks to define the state of “good quality” for data in this data source, then identify and get approval from stakeholders in your organization. Define whom Soda Cloud will notify when a check in the agreement fails, then set a schedule to regularly execute the Soda Checks to uphold the tenets of the agreement.

✖️    Requires Soda Core Scientific
✖️    Requires Soda Core
✖️    Requires Soda Library + Soda Cloud
✔️    Requires Soda Agent + Soda Cloud



  • You, or an Admin on your Soda Cloud account, has deployed a Soda Agent and connected it to your Soda Cloud account.
  • You, or an Admin on your Soda Cloud account, has added a new datasource via the Soda Agent in your Soda Cloud account.

Create a new agreement

For a new agreement, you define several details including which data to check, what checks to execute during a scan, and whom to notify when bad data triggers an alert.

In Soda Cloud, navigate to the Agreements dashboard, then click New Agreement. Follow the guided steps to complete the new agreement. Use the sections below for insight into the values to enter in the fields and editing panels in the guided steps.

1. Select a Data Source

You can only create an agreement that uses a data source that has been added to Soda Cloud via a Soda Agent.

Field or Label Guidance
Agreement Label Provide a name for your agreement.
Data Source Select the data source that contains the datasets to which your agreement applies.
If you have no options to select in the dropdown, it is because you have not added a data source via a Soda Agent. You can only create agreements on datasets that are in a data source that has been onboarded into Soda Cloud via a Soda Agent.

2. Write Checks

Use SodaCL to define the checks that Soda Cloud executes on a regular schedule to uphold the tenets of this agreement. If any of these checks fail during a regularly-scheduled scan, Soda Cloud notifies the stakeholders you specify in the Notifications section.

Be sure to click Test checks to validate that the SodaCL syntax you have written is valid, and that Soda can execute the checks against your datasets without errors.

For help writing your first checks:

  • browse the library of SodaCL snippets that insert correctly-formatted syntax for the most commonly-used checks for basic data quality
  • use Ask AI, a generative AI assistant that turns natural-language requests into production-ready SodaCL checks. Read more
  • consider following the Quick start for SodaCL, including the Tips and best practices section
  • refer to SodaCL reference for exhaustive details on every type of metric and check


3. Identify Stakeholders

Add Stakeholders to this agreement who have an interest in maintaining or using the good-quality data in this data source. Consider adding a co-owner to your agreement for redundancy should you, as the agreement author, be absent.

Soda Cloud sends emails to request review and approval from all stakeholders, and waits to run scans which execute checks in the agreement until all stakeholders have approved the agreement.

4. Set Notifications

By default, Soda Cloud includes an out-of-the-box email notification to all the agreement’s stakeholders when a check in your agreement fails. You can remove or adjust this notification, or use the search bar to add more. Access View scan results to learn more about pass, warn, and fail check results.

(Optional) If you have integrated your Soda Cloud account with Slack or another third-party service provider via a webhook, use the search field to type a channel name to add the channel as a notification recipient. Alternatively, use the field to enter names of individual teammates with whom you collaborate in Soda Cloud.

5. Set a Scan Definition

After you have set up a new agreement, Soda Cloud sends approval requests to the stakeholders you identified in step 3. When stakeholders approve or reject your agreement, Soda Cloud sends you an email notification.

Regardless of the approval status of the agreement, however, Soda Cloud begins running scans of your data according to the scan definition you set. Soda Cloud sends notifications after each scan according to the settings you defined in step 4.

(Optional) You can click the link provided to create a new scan definition if you wish to run a scan to execute the checks in this agreement more or less frequently, or a different time of day, relative to the default scan definition for the data source.

To review existing scan definitions, navigate to the Scans menu item.

Agreement tips and best practices

Further, take into account the following tips and best practices when writing SodaCL checks in an agreement.

  • Avoid applying the same customized check names in multiple agreements. Soda Cloud associates check results with agreements according to name so if you reuse custom names, Soda Cloud may become confused about which agreement to which to link check results.
  • If you use an anomaly detection check, be aware that when you Test Checks, this type of checks results in [NOT EVALUATED]. The ML algorithm that anomaly detection checks use requires a minimum of four, regular-frequency scans before it has collected enough historic measurements against which to gauge an anomaly. Therefore, until it has collected enough historical measurements to use to gauge anomolies, Soda does not evaluate the check.
  • Note that any checks you test in the context of this step in the agreements workflow do not appear as “real” checks in the Checks dashboard.
  • Except with a NOW variable with freshness checks, you cannot use variables in checks you write in an agreement in Soda Cloud as it is impossible to provide the variable values at scan time.

See also: Tips and best practices for SodaCL

As a Data Engineer, you can write SodaCL checks directly in a checks.yml file, or leverage check suggestions in the Soda Library CLI to prepare a basic set of data quality checks for you. Alternatively, you can add SodaCL checks to a programmatic invocation of Soda Library.

Manually write SodaCL checks
Use check suggestions
Programmatically add checks

Manually write SodaCL checks

✔️    Some checks require Soda Core Scientific
✔️    Supported in Soda Core
✔️    Supported in Soda Library + Soda Cloud
✔️    Supported in Soda Cloud Agreements + Soda Agent

The checks YAML file stores the Soda Checks you write using SodaCL. Use this file to manually write your own SodaCL checks.

  1. Using a code editor, create a new file called checks.yml.
  2. Copy+paste the following basic check syntax in your file, then adjust the value for dataset_name to correspond with the name of one of the datasets in your data source.
    checks for dataset_name:
      - row_count > 0
  3. Save the changes to the checks.yml file.
  4. To test the check and confirm the syntax is valid and error-free, use the following command to run a scan of the data in your data source. Replace the value for my_datasource with the name of the data source you added to your configuration.yml file. Read more about scans.
    soda scan -d my_datasource -c configuration.yml checks.yml

    Command-line Output:

    Soda Library 1.0.x
    Scan summary:
    1/1 check PASSED: 
     dim_customer in adventureworks
       row_count > 0 [PASSED]
    All is good. No failures. No warnings. No errors.
    Sending results to Soda Cloud
    Soda Cloud Trace: 67592***474
  5. Add more checks to the checks.yml file to test for multiple data quality metrics. Consult the SodaCL tutorial for advice and the Use case guides for example checks. Refer to SodaCL reference for exhaustive details on every type of metric and check.

Use check suggestions

✔️    Requires Soda Core Scientific
✖️    Supported in Soda Core
✔️    Requires Soda Library + Soda Cloud
✔️    Compatible with BigQuery, PostgreSQL, Snowflake data sources
✖️    Supported in Soda Cloud Agreements + Soda Agent

Check suggestions assists Soda users in auto-generating basic data quality checks using the Soda Checks Language (SodaCL), a domain-specific language for data quality testing.

Instead of writing your own data quality checks from scratch, check suggestions profiles your dataset and prompts you through a series of questions so that it can leverage the built-in Soda metrics and quickly prepare data quality checks tailored to that individual dataset.


You can use check suggestions with the following data sources:

  • GCP BigQuery
  • PostgreSQL
  • Snowflake


  • You have installed Python 3.10 or greater.
  • You have installed a Soda Library package for BigQuery, PostgreSQL, or Snowflake in your environment and configured it to connect to your data source.

Run check suggestions

Use the following command to run the check suggestions assisstant. Refer to the table below for input values for the command options.

soda suggest -d adventureworks -c configuration.yml -ds dataset_name
Option Required? Value
--datasource TEXT
required Identify the name of your data source.
--configuration TEXT
required Identify the filepath and filename of your own configuration.yml file.
--output-dir TEXT
optional Specify the output directory for the checks.yml file check suggestions generates. If you do not specify a location, it saves the checks.yml file in your current working directory.
--dataset TEXT
optional Specify the dataset name for the checks.yml file. If you do not specify a name, it asks you to identify a dataset during the suggestion workflow.
--disable-color BOOLEAN optional Set to false if don’t wish to see colors.

When running, check suggestions automatically prompts you with a series of questions to gather information about your data and the quality checks that you ought to apply. After you answer, or skip the questions, it generates a checks.yml file with suggested checks based on your input.

Following best practice, check suggestions prepares one checks.yml file per dataset; if you wish, you can run soda suggest multiple times to prepare suggested checks and checks.yml files for each dataset in your data source. After it generates the checks.yml file, you can manually add, remove, or modify data quality checks in the file as you wish.

With both a configuration.yml and a prepared checks.yml file, you can follow the assistant’s final prompt to run a scan for data quality.

Select a dataset

Check suggestions prompts you to select a dataset from the list of available datasets in the data source. It prepares one checks.yml file per dataset.

Select checks

The assistant prompts you to select the checks for basic data quality coverage you wish to include in the checks.yml. It can prepare only the following types of basic checks:

Set column filtering

If your dataset contains more than 20 columns, the assisstant prompts you to shorten the list by asking you to select the column names to which you wish to add checks for missing and duplicate values.

Add a schema check

This type of check validates the schema, or structure, of your data. It ensures that the columns you expect to exist are present in the dataset, and that they have the correct data type and index location.

Refer to Schema checks for more information.

checks for dataset_A:
  - schema:
      name: Any schema changes
        when schema changes:
          - column delete
          - column add
          - column index change
          - column type change

Add row count checks

This step adds two checks: one to confirm that the dataset is not empty, and one to ensure that the current row count is not significantly different from the expected row count. Soda determines the expected row count relative to the previous row count value using a time series-based anomaly detection model.

Refer to Anomaly detection checks for more information.

checks for dataset_A:
  - row_count > 0
  - anomaly detection for row_count

Add time-based partitioning

Also referred to as dataset filtering, this step prompts you to specify a time range on which to apply the data quality checks.

By default, check suggestions sets the time-based partition to one day if the column contains DATE type data, and the preceding 24 hours if the column contains DATETIME data. When generating a list of candidate columns to which to apply the time-based partition, the assisstant uses heuristic methods to automatically identify and rank column names.

Read more about heuristic ranking The heuristic ranking strategy identifies the most suitable columns for effectively partitioning your data. The algorithm it uses for ranking applies several criteria and heuristic scoring to assess the columns' incrementality, standard deviation, maximum date, missing values, and column names.
  1. Incrementality: This criterion checks whether the values in a time-based column incrementally change over time. It assesses if the date or time values consistently increase as new records are added. Columns with higher incrementality scores are more likely to provide a meaningful partitioning mechanism.
  2. Standard Deviation: Check suggestions uses standard deviation between dates to assess the uniformity or distribution of values in a time-based column. Columns with low standard deviation indicate that the dates are closely packed together, suggesting a more consistent and evenly-spaced distribution.
  3. Maximum Date: This step examines the maximum date value in a column and compares it to the current date. Columns with a maximum date value that is less than the current date receive a higher score. This criterion helps identify columns with recent data.
  4. Missing Value: Check suggestions considers the number of missing values in a column; those with fewer missing values receive a higher score. This criterion helps identify columns with more complete data.
  5. Column Name: Check suggestions analyzes the names of the columns to determine their relevance for partitioning. The algorithm assigns higher points to columns with names that contain keywords such as "create", "insert", "generate", etc. This criterion aims to identify columns that are likely to represent meaningful, time-based information.
After calculating scores from each of the five criteria, the algorithm combines them to obtain a comprehensive score for each time-based column. The assistant then ranks the columns from highest to lowest score, providing guidance on the partitioning suitability of each column.

Refer to Configure dataset filters for more information.

filter customer [daily]:
where: created_at > TIMESTAMP '${NOW}' - interval '1d'

checks for customer [daily]:
  - missing_count(name) < 5
  - duplicate_count(phone) = 0

Add a freshness check

A freshness check ensures that the data in the dataset is up-to-date according to the latest value entered in a column containing date or timestamp values. Check suggestions uses the same heuristic methods with the time based partitioning to rank the columns. After ranking the columns, the CLI estimates the threshold by using the standard error of date differences. It then prompts you to select the column and threshold to use for the freshness check.

Refer to Freshness checks for more information.

checks for dataset_A:
  - freshness(date_first_purchase) < 24h

Add validity checks

A validity check compares the data in text columns to a specific format (see the list that follows) to determine whether the content is valid. For example, such a check can validate that all rows in an id column contain UUID-formatted values.

Check suggestions prompts you to select the columns that are candidates for validity checks, which must contain text type data such as CHAR, VARCHAR, or TEXT.

Valid formats:

  • UUID
  • email
  • phone number
  • credit card number
  • IP address (IPv4 and IPv6)
  • money
  • timestamp
  • date
  • time

Refer to Validity metrics for more information.

checks for dataset_A:
  - invalid_count(email_address) = 0:
      valid format: email

Add missing checks

A missing check automatically identifies any NULL values within your dataset. Check suggestions prompts you to select the columns to which you want to apply a missing check. By default, it sets each check threshold to 0, which means that a check fails if there are any NULL values in the column.

Refer to Missing metrics for more information.

checks for dataset_A:
  - missing_count(customer_key) = 0
  - missing_count(geography_key) = 0
  - missing_count(customer_alternate_key) = 0
  - missing_count(title) = 0
  - missing_count(first_name) = 0
  - missing_count(middle_name) = 0
  - missing_count(last_name) = 0
  - missing_count(name_style) = 0
  - missing_count(birth_date) = 0
  - missing_count(marital_status) = 0
  - missing_count(suffix) = 0
  - missing_count(gender) = 0

Add duplicate checks

A duplicate check identifies duplicate records or entries within your dataset. By default, it sets each check threshold to 0, which means that a check fails if there are any duplicate values in the column.

Refer to Numeric metrics for more information.

checks for dataset_A:
  - duplicate_count(customer_key) = 0
  - duplicate_count(geography_key) = 0
  - duplicate_count(customer_alternate_key) = 0
  - duplicate_count(title) = 0
  - duplicate_count(first_name) = 0
  - duplicate_count(middle_name) = 0
  - duplicate_count(last_name) = 0
  - duplicate_count(name_style) = 0
  - duplicate_count(birth_date) = 0
  - duplicate_count(marital_status) = 0
  - duplicate_count(suffix) = 0
  - duplicate_count(gender) = 0

Programmatically add checks

✔️    Some checks require Soda Core Scientific
✔️    Some checks supported in Soda Core
✔️    Supported in Soda Library + Soda Cloud
✖️    Supported in Soda Cloud Agreements + Soda Agent

Follow the steps above to create a checks.yml file to define your checks for data quality. Then, add the file(s) to your Python program as in the example below.
Be sure to include any variables in your programmatic scan before the check YAML files. Soda requires the variable input for any variables defined in the check YAML files.

from soda.scan import Scan

scan = Scan()


# Add variables
scan.add_variables({"date": "2022-01-01"})

# Add check YAML files


  1. Choose a flavor of Soda
  2. Set up Soda: install, deploy, or invoke
  3. Write SodaCL checks
  4. Run scans and review results
  5. Organize, alert, investigate

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Documentation always applies to the latest version of Soda products
Last modified on 19-Mar-25