Integrate ServiceNow with Soda
Last modified on 27-Feb-25
Configure a webhook in Soda Cloud to connect to your ServiceNow account.
In ServiceNow, you can create a Scripted REST API that enables you to prepare a resource to work as an incoming webhook. Use the ServiceNow Resource Path in the URL field in the Soda Cloud integration setup.
This example offers guidance on how to set up a Scripted REST API Resource to generate an external link which Soda Cloud displays in the Incident Details; see image below. When you change the status of a Soda Cloud incident, the webhook also updates the status of the SNOW issue that corresponds with the incident.
Refer to Event payloads for details information.
The following steps offer a brief overview of how to set up a ServiceNow Scripted REST API Resource to integrate with a Soda Cloud webhook. Reference the ServiceNow documentation for details:
- Create a Scripted REST API and Create a Scripted REST API Resource
- ServiceNow Developer: Creating Scripted REST APIs
- In ServiceNow, start by navigating to the All menu, then use the filter to search for and select Scripted REST APIs.
- Click New to create a new scripted REST API. Provide a name and API ID, then click Submit to save.
- In the Scipted Rest APIs list, find and open your newly-created API, then, in the Resources tab, click New to create a new resource.
- Provide a Name for your resource, then select POST as the HTTP method.
- In the Script field, define a script that creates new tickets when a Soda Cloud incident is opened, and updates existing tickets when a Soda Cloud incident status is updated. Use the example below for reference. You may also need to define Security settings according to your organizations authentication rules.
- Click Submit, then copy the value of the Resource path to use in the URL field in the Soda Cloud integration setup.
(function process(/*RESTAPIRequest*/ request, /*RESTAPIResponse*/ response) {
var businessServiceId = '28***';
var snowInstanceId = 'dev***';
var requestBody = request.body;
var requestData =;;
if (requestData.event == 'incidentCreated'){
gs.log("*** Incident Created ***");
var grIncident = new GlideRecord('incident');
grIncident.short_description = requestData.incident.description;
grIncident.description = requestData.incident.sodaCloudUrl;
grIncident.correlation_id =;
if(requestData.incident.severity == 'critical'){
grIncident.impact = 1;
}else if(requestData.incident.severity == 'major'){
grIncident.impact = 2;
}else if(requestData.incident.severity == 'minor'){
grIncident.impact = 3;
grIncident.business_service = businessServiceId;
var incidentNumber = grIncident.number;
var sysid = grIncident.sys_id;
var callBackURL = requestData.incidentLinkCallbackUrl;
var req, rsp;
req = new sn_ws.RESTMessageV2();
var sodaUpdate = '{"url":"https://'+ snowInstanceId +''+sysid + '", "text":"SNOW Incident '+incidentNumber+'"}';
resp = req.execute();
}else if(requestData.event == 'incidentUpdated'){
gs.log("*** Incident Updated ***");
var target = new GlideRecord('incident');
if(requestData.incident.status == 'resolved'){
//Change this according to how SNOW is used.
target.state = 6;
target.close_notes = requestData.incident.resolutionNotes;
//Change this according to how SNOW is used.
target.state = 4;
})(request, response);
Go further
- As a business user, learn more about writing no-code checks in Soda Cloud.
- Set notification rules that apply to multiple checks in your account.
- Learn more about creating, tracking, and resolving data quality Incidents.
- Need help? Join the Soda community on Slack.
- Access a list of all integrations that Soda Cloud supports.
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Last modified on 27-Feb-25