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Soda Agent extras

Last modified on 21-Oct-24

When you deploy a self-hosted Soda Agent to a Kubernetes cluster in your cloud service provider environment, you need to provide a few essential values that the agent needs to connect to your Soda Cloud account (API keys), and connect to your data sources (data source login credentials) so that Soda can run data quality scans on the data.

By default, Soda uses Kubernetes Secrets as part of the Soda Agent deployment. The agent automatically converts any sensitive values you add to a values YAML file, or directly via the CLI, into Kubernetes Secrets.

As these values are sensitive, you may wish to employ the following alternative strategies to keep them secure.

Use a values YAML file to store API key values
Use a values file to store private key authentication values
Use environment variables to store data source connection credentials
Integrate with a secrets manager
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Use a values YAML file to store API key values

When you deploy a self-hosted Soda Agent from the command-line, you provide values for the API key id and API key secret which the agent uses to connect to your Soda Cloud account. You can provide these values during agent deployment in one of two ways:

  • directly in the helm install command that deploys the agent and stores the values as Kubernetes secrets in your cluster; see deploy using CLI only
  • in a values YAML file which you store locally but reference in the helm install command; see below

Values YAML file

    id: "***"
    secret: "***"
    name: "myuniqueagent"

helm install command

helm install soda-agent soda-agent/soda-agent \
  --values values.yml \
  --namespace soda-agent

Refer to the exhaustive cloud service provider-specific instructions for more detail on how to deploy an agent using a values YAML file.

Use a values file to store private key authentication values

If you use private key with Snowflake or BigQuery, you can provide the required private key values in a values.yml file when you deploy or redeploy the agent.

Use environment variables to store data source connection credentials

When you, or someone in your organization, follows the guided steps to use a self-hosted Soda Agent to add a data source in Soda Cloud, one of the steps involves providing the connection details and credentials Soda needs to connect to the data source to run scans.

You can add those details directly in Soda Cloud, but because any user can then access these values, you may wish to store them securely in the values YAML file as environment variables.

  1. Create or edit your local values YAML file to include the values for the environment variables you input into the connection configuration.
       id: "***"
       secret: "***"
       name: "myuniqueagent"
       POSTGRES_USER: "sodalibrary"
       POSTGRES_PASS: "sodalibrary"
  2. After adding the environment variables to the values YAML file, update the Soda Agent using the following command:
    helm upgrade soda-agent soda-agent/soda-agent \
      --values values.yml \
      --namespace soda-agent
  3. In step 2 of the add a data source guided steps, add data source connection configuration which look something like the following example for a PostgreSQL data source. Note the environment variable values for username and password.
    data_source local_postgres_test:
     type: postgres
     port: 5432
     username: ${POSTGRES_USER}
     password: ${POSTGRES_PASS}
     database: postgres
     schema: new_york
  4. Follow the remaining guided steps to add a new data source in Soda Cloud. When you save the data source and test the connection, Soda Cloud uses the values you stored as environment variables in the values YAML file you supplied during redeployment.

Integrate with a secrets manager

Use External Secrets Operator (ESO) to integrate your self-hosted Soda Agent with your secrets manager, such as a Hashicorp Vault, AWS Secrets Manager, or Azure Key Vault, and securely reconcile the login credentials that Soda Agent uses for your data sources.

For example, imagine you use a Hashicorp Vault to store data source login credentials and your security protocol demands frequent rotation of passwords. In this situation, the challenge is that apps running in your Kubernetes cluster, such as a Soda Agent, need access to the up-to-date passwords.

To address the challenge, you can set up and configure ESO in your Kubernetes cluster to regularly reconcile externally-stored password values so that your apps always have the credentials they need. Doing so obviates the need to manually redeploy a values YAML file with new passwords for apps running in the cluster each time your system refreshes the passwords.

The current integration of Soda Agent and a secrets manager does not yet support the configuration of the Soda Cloud credentials. For those credentials, use a tool such as helm-secrets or vals.

To integrate Soda Agent with a secret manager, you need the following:

  • External Secrets Operator (ESO) which is a Kubernetes operator that facilitates a connection between the Soda Agent and your secrets manager
  • a ClusterSecretStore resource which provides a central gateway with instructions on how to access your secret backend
  • an ExternalSecret resource which instructs the cluster on what values to fetch, and references the ClusterSecretStore

Read more about the ESO’s Resource Model.

The following procedure outlines how to use ESO to integrate with a Hashicorp Vault that uses a KV Secrets Engine v2. Extrapolate from this procedure to integrate with another secrets manager such as:


  • You have set up a Kubernetes cluster in your cloud services environment and deployed a self-hosted Soda Agent in the cluster.
  • For the purpose of this example procedure, you have set up and are using a Hashicorp Vault which contains a key-value pair for POSTGRES_USERNAME and POSTGRES_PASSWORD at the path local/soda.

Install and set up the External Secrets Operator

Consider referencing the use case guide for integrating an External Secrets Manager with a Soda Agent which offers step-by-step instructions to set everything up locally to see the integration in action.

  1. Use helm to install the External Secrets Operator from the Helm chart repository into the same Kubernetes cluster in which you deployed your Soda Agent.
     helm repo add external-secrets
     helm install external-secrets \
        external-secrets/external-secrets \
         -n external-secrets \
  2. Verify the installation using the following command:
    kubectl -n external-secrets get all
  3. Create a cluster-secret-store.yml file for the ClusterSecretStore configuration. The details in this file instruct the Soda Agent how to access the external secrets manager vault.
    This example uses Hashicorp Vault AppRole authentication. AppRole authenticates with Vault using the App Role auth mechanism to access the contents of the secret store. It uses the SecretID in the Kubernetes secret, referenced by secretRef and the roleID, to acquire a temporary access token so that it can fetch secrets.
    Access documentation for configuration examples for:
    • AWS Secrets Manager
    • Azure Key Vault
       kind: ClusterSecretStore
       name: vault-app-role
               path: approle
               roleId: 3e****54-****-936e-****-5c5a19a5eeeb
                 key: appRoleSecretId
                 name: external-secrets-vault-app-role-secret-id
                 namespace: external-secrets
           path: kv
           server: http://vault.vault.svc.cluster.local:8200
           version: v2
  4. Deploy the ClusterSecretStore to your cluster.
    kubectl apply -f cluster-secret-store.yaml
  5. Create an soda-secret.yml file for the ExternalSecret configuration. The details in this file instruct the Soda Agent which values to fetch from the external secrets manager vault.
    kind: ExternalSecret
      name: soda-agent
      namespace: soda-agent
      - remoteRef:
           key: local/soda
           property: POSTGRES_USERNAME
         secretKey: POSTGRES_USERNAME
      - remoteRef:
           key: local/soda
           property: POSTGRES_PASSWORD
         secretKey: POSTGRES_PASSWORD
      refreshInterval: 1m
         kind: ClusterSecretStore
         name: vault-app-role
         name: soda-agent-secrets
             soda-agent.conf: |
           engineVersion: v2

    This example identifies:

    • the namespace of the Soda Agent
    • two remoteRef configurations, including the file path in the vault, one each for POSTGRES_USERNAME and POSTGRES_PASSWORD, to detail what the ExternalSecret must fetch from the Hashicorp Vault
    • a refreshInterval to indicate how often the ESO must reconcile the remoteRef values; this ought to correspond to the frequency with which your passwords are reset
    • the secretStoreRef to indicate the ClusterSecretStore through which to access the vault
    • a target template that creates a file called soda-agent.conf into which it adds the username and password values in the dotenv format that the Soda Agent expects.
  6. Deploy the ExternalSecret to your cluster.
    kubectl  apply -n soda-agent -f soda-secret.yaml
  7. Use the following command to get the ExternalSecret to authenticate to the Hashicorp Vault using the ClusterSecretStore and fetch secrets.
    kubectl get secret -n soda-agent soda-agent-secrets


    NAME                 TYPE     DATA   AGE
    soda-agent-secrets   Opaque   1      24h
  8. Prepare a values.yml file to deploy the Soda Agent with the existingSecrets parameter that instructs it to access the ExternalSecret file to fetch data source login credentials. Refer to complete deploy instructions, or redeploy instructions if you already have an agent running in a cluster.
         id: "154k***889"
         secret: "9sfjf****ff4"
         name: "my-soda-agent-external-secrets"
           # from in the ExternalSecret file
           - soda-agent-secrets 
         # Use for US region 
         # Use for EU region
         endpoint: ""
  9. Deploy the Soda Agent using the following command:
    helm install soda-agent soda-agent/soda-agent \
      --values values.yml \
      --namespace soda-agent


      NAME: soda-agent
      LAST DEPLOYED: Tue Aug 29 13:08:51 2023
      NAMESPACE: soda-agent
      STATUS: deployed
      REVISION: 1
      TEST SUITE: None
      Success, the Soda Agent is now running. 
      You can inspect the Orchestrators logs if you like, but if all was configured correctly, the Agent should show up in Soda Cloud. 
      Check the logs using:
         kubectl logs -l -n soda-agent

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Documentation always applies to the latest version of Soda products
Last modified on 21-Oct-24